Oct 31, 2006


When I was a young child
I stared into the night
Gazing at the sky above
And all its brilliant lights
And I wondered and I questioned
Everything I saw
Wondered why the grass was green
And why the trees grow tall
And why do they reach for heaven
With their branches spread out wide
And why does a geode
Have a crystal deep inside?
Why do all the little birds
Fly so very high?
Touching clouds with their wings
Way up in the sky?
And why do the willows weep
While the robins sit and sing?
Could it be, they foresee
What the future will soon bring?
Then of course there is mankind
With his own set of rules
Living life, controlling
Teaching lessons that are cruel
And wondering why the Earth revolts
With hurricane and floods
Knowing that the truth is sung
By each wild mourning dove?
When I was a young child
I stared into the night
Gazing at the heavens
And all its pretty lights
And I wondered and I questioned
Why I was different from the rest
And then suddenly I realized
That I must be truly blessed!

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