Nov 20, 2008

What is your answer?

A question is posed
in a stranger's face
what if we had been born
into another race?
What if we had existed in another land
where hunger and disease had reigned
would we still be who we are and still believe
would our faith remain ?
replacing dreams, hopes, desires
with hollowed cheeks and ribs that showed
empty eyes, alone and scared
would the love of God erode?
where aids, TB, and lack of food
replaced security and good health
where famine, war, and genocide
replaced American wealth
from the Congo and Mambai
from the streets of New York and LA
To Haiti and the Dominican Republic
Would we still kneel down to pray?
Yes, a question is posed
in a stranger's face
what if we had been born
into another race
if we had existed in another land
where hunger and disease had reigned
would be able to bear that cross
To trust through all the pain?

1 comment:

Catherine Mackie said...

Hi Debbie, Popped in to read again... I love this poem and the question it poses... I can only tell you that here in South Africa, where millions of people suffer extreme poverty although not as bad as in other parts of Africa, people still humbly turn to God (and their ancestors!) with an abiding faith that something or someone from beyond this life exists and WILL release them from their suffering. I'm not sure I could given the same conditions...