Jan 15, 2009

Have You Forgot About Me?

The temperature outside is dropping
Below freezing and going down
And my body is frigid and constantly cold
As I lay upon the ice hard ground
I shiver and I shake uncontrollably
All my muscles and organs ache
I try to sleep and to face the pain
But not sure how much more I can take...
Around my neck is a constant weight
And a gash from where the chain has dug deep
And even though I can show no tears
My canine heart, still does weep
Does anyone notice? Does anyone care?
I spend my life alone and scared
Summer has passed and winter is here
Why couldn't you have been prepared?
You took the time to mow the lawn
You pruned and cut your trees
You waxed and polished your fancy new car
Yet never once thought about me
We used to be such good friends
We would play ball and go to the park
At night I would snuggle at the foot of your bed
And keep you from fearing the dark
You have forgotten the loyalty, the unconditional love
Those things I so freely gave
And all I have now is an empty wood box
And a kick when I misbehave
I get fed cheap generic food
My life, it lacks so much
Oh, what I would unselfishly give
For only a warm human's touch
But for now I'll lay here and try to dream
And maybe if God hears my cries
He'll take me now to live with him
And I will find happiness after I die!

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